How To Ease Morning Sickness During Pregnancy?
Feeling a bit queasy during early pregnancy? You’re certainly not alone. Nausea during pregnancy is typically one of the most experienced symptoms that women report during the first trimester. In fact, up to 70 percent of all expectant mothers will experience nausea at some point during pregnancy.
Not only is it known to be one of the first early symptoms of pregnancy, but it is one symptom that persists throughout the first trimester and often even longer.
Though dubbed “morning sickness,” nausea during pregnancy can be experienced at any time of the day. While many women do experience nausea first thing in the morning, others deal with nausea throughout the day or during the evening hours. The cause of nausea during pregnancy is not completely understood.
However, it is believed to be linked to the production of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone. This is commonly known as the pregnancy hormone, as it is the hormone that the body begins to produce once a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining.

Feeling a bit queasy during early pregnancy? You’re certainly not alone. Nausea during pregnancy is typically one of the most experienced symptoms.
Nausea during pregnancy is often unavoidable, yet there are ways to ease nausea and morning sickness without the use of over the counter medications. Read on for a few simple ways to curb nausea during pregnancy:
Choose your foods wisely
Always strive to consume foods that are high in protein, low in fat and easily digestible. If possible, avoid greasy, spicy, or fatty foods, as these can make nausea worse. If you’re feeling nauseous, go for bland foods such as bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. You may also safely suck on a ginger lollipop.
Snack throughout the day
Odds are if you’re feeling queasy, snacking isn’t on your mind. Yet, snacking is an easy way to curb nausea throughout the day. As soon as you get out of bed in the morning, eat a few soda crackers or a piece of dry unbuttered toast. Snacking throughout the day rather than eating three large meals ensures that your stomach will never get too full. Additionally, an empty stomach can make nausea even worse!
Know your triggers
Every expectant mother will have sickness triggers. For some, it is certain foods, for others, an unpleasant smell. These are all things that can make your nausea worse. Identify triggers early and avoid those foods or smells if you can.
Know when to take your prenatal vitamins
Many women tend to feel a bit sick after taking their prenatal vitamins. It is often just part of the deal. If you’re someone who feels queasy after popping a prenatal, strive to take your vitamins with a snack or right before bed.
Sniff a fresh scent
Most morning sickness and nausea in pregnancy are smell related. Simply taking in an unpleasant odor can cause your stomach to turn, especially since the sense of smell is heightened during early pregnancy.
If you’re feeling a bit nauseous from an unpleasant scent, open a window or walk away. If that’s not possible, try sniffing fresh scents. Carry a bottle of lemon extract or a fresh rosemary sprig in your bag. Take a sniff when needed and wait for nausea to subside!
Morning sickness doesn’t have to impact your daily life! Keep these tips in mind the next time you’re feeling nauseous during early pregnancy. They may just help you hit the reset button and feel a bit more like yourself.